Although it may be difficult for some people to understand, having excessively large breasts can be a real hardship. It can lead to physical problems such as back and shoulder pain. It can hamper one's physical activities and enjoyment of activities like sports. It can make buying clothes much more difficult, and it can make you feel awkward and uncomfortable.
Relatively recently, though, surgical techniques have been developed that can help to decrease a woman's breast size. Reduction mammoplasties (commonly called breast reductions) are one option. Liposuction of the breast is another. This article will discuss the pros and cons of each approach.
Breast reductions are performed in a number of ways, depending on the surgeon and on the size of the breast being operated on. However, one common way makes use of three incisions. One is made around the areola. Another incision is made running vertically from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease. A third incision runs along the breast crease at the bottom of the breast.
Breast reductions are typically performed under general anesthesia. Once the patient is anesthetized and the incisions are made, the surgeon removes excess skin, fat and breast tissue. The surgeon then moves the nipple and areola higher on the breast, typically keeping them attached to breast tissue the entire time. The areola is frequently reduced at this point in the procedure. Finally, the surgeon brings skin from above the nipple down and together, attaching it to reform the breast.
Breast reduction typically takes weeks to months to recover from. Women can typically return to work within a couple weeks, but need to wait several weeks to return to most normal activity, including mild exercise. Throughout the first month after surgery, the stitches will be removed. Scars from the incision sites will gradually heal and fade, but will always be visible. Reduced sensation is common after a breast reduction, but it frequently returns with time. Breast feeding is often adversely affected.
Liposuction, on the other hand, does not remove excess skin and tissue, but merely removes fat. It is performed by suctioning excess fat out through small hollow tubes called cannulas. The surgeon makes a number of small incisions, frequently smaller than 1 millimeter long, and suctions out the fat through these incisions. Depending on the composition of the breast, surgeons can sometimes remove as much as 50% of the breast tissue.
Liposuction is typically performed under local anesthesia. The small incisions sometimes leave tiny scars, but these are frequently all but invisible except under close scrutiny. New techniques such as laser liposuction (also known under the brand names SmartLipo, ProLipo, CoolLipo, LipoLite, and LipoTherme) make it much easier to recover from liposuction than a reduction. Most women return to work within two or three days and return to other normal activities shortly thereafter. Breast feeding can be affected, but there is a much better success rate than with a mammoplasty.
One downside of liposuction is that it won't do much to change the shape of the breasts, merely their size. While some amount of lift can be accomplished by the change in breast weight, not as much reshaping can be done as with a reduction. However, many find that the absence of scars is worth the lack of reshaping.
Also, some women have a large amount of glandular tissue in their breasts, which makes it difficult to remove fat. Women like this, and women who want to remove more than half of their breast mass, may wish to get a standard breast reduction. Whenever it is possible, though, a liposuction is easier on the body, less painful and less invasive.
Christian Heftel is a staff writer at
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