2012年8月1日 星期三

Signs of Breast Cancer That You Need to Keep in Mind

We have been hearing about many cancer cases and one of the most prominent cancers that we hear of today is the cancer. With the increasing rate of the breast cancer cases it is important that we understand and know the signs and symptoms. The following are few symptoms which can help you make out the symptoms of cancer:

a. Lump
Lump can be one of the symptoms of cancer but not necessary that this is always the cancerous lump. Though, lump is the most common sign of cancer in both men and women. Thickening in the breast is also another indication and at times the lump may be painless but it may be sore from time to time.

b. Discharge from the nipple
Bloody discharge from the nipple is also one of the signs of cancer but this again does not mean that the person is suffering from cancer, though this cannot be taken lightly.

c. Change in size of your breast
Another symptom is the change in the breast size; this can be from one of the clear signs of breast cancer.

d. Indentation of nipple
Retraction or indentation is not the common thing that you would notice, this is also one of the signs where you should not wait for anything, you need to rush to your doctor and get your physical test done.

e. Indentation of skin over the breast
you should also check whether the skin over the breast is indented. Indentation or flattening of the skin over breast is also the symptom of breast cancer.

f. Redness of skin over the breast
Redness or pitting of skin over the breast is again the sign of breast cancer. The shape and texture looks similar to the skin of an orange.

More Information Visit Breast Cancer [http://bodyhealthdebate.co.uk/] and smartlipo

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